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Oh my gosh, it was great to meet too and we love your band!! We need to watch your schedule and come out and see you again. Thanks so much for entertaining us at our National Fall Corrections Conference!
Good times, love the band!
Thanks for talking with us on your break in Siren last night. As we talked about, we would love to have you perform our town's festival. People would be blown away with your show. We are going to talk with the chamber and see if we can get it set up!
You guys are so awesome! You played at both out daughter's weddings and as you know we love you guys! We haven't missed you every time you play Siren. Nice hearing you guys do what you do again. Really love seeing Andy with you again! He's a talented and super nice guy as are all of you!
Very classy band. We really appreciate how you keep your show clean so everyone can enjoy it. We've been to see other bands and they all seem to have potty mouths. Thanks, we really like bringing our kids with us to dance and have fun!
Dropping a note to tell you we loved your band. We were driving through town in Siren and stopped for gas at their Holiday station and saw and heard you playing across the street. We found a place to park and ended up staying and dancing to your wonderful music. You are all very talented. Thanks for the surprise fun night!
Hi boys! We love the tradition of your band at Siren on their 4th celebration! We had my husband's folks at our cabin this week and brought them out to the street dance. They NEVER dance but you had them dancing a lot. They liked you guys as much as we do and hope you are coming back again next year. Please put us on your mailing list if you have one otherwise we will keep an eye on your Facebook page! Thanks for the fun night!
We so love seeing you in Siren! Thanks for coming back again!
Hey Loren and DBOYS.. Thank you for entertaining us last night in Durand. We're from Minneapolis and I had my 80 year old Dad there and you had him acting like 29 again! Thanks so much for including him in some of your comments on stage and coming out to talk with us on your break! DBOYS are a class act!
Please come back to Durand ASAP! We love your band and the variety of music you do!
Had to drop you a note to let you know your band is the best that performs in the music in the park in Durand. We all were so excited when we saw you advertised as coming back to play here again! We had a party of about 20 and we were the ones sitting in the shade over by the swings. Felt bad you guys had no shade. Great show, we really enjoyed it!
Any band that can pull of New Age Girl has our vote! My friend and I couldn't believe it when we heard you start that song off! You earned a couple new fans! Good job D BOYS!
Great job in Durand tonight! We felt so bad for you with the hot sun direct in your faces. You sounded great though!
Hey guys. Wanted to let you know you sounded awesome at the fair this weekend! We stayed till the end. Great band and loved the variety!
Wanted to drop you guys a line to say thank you for keeping us entertained after the rodeo. We were working by you there and loved you!
DBOYS we exceptional after the rodeo at Rusk Co Fair!
We just have to say that DBoys are the perfect wedding band. We really appreciated how you started out with songs that not only got everyone dancing but appealed to all age groups even my Grandpa and Grandma! We thought is was so awesome that your singer came out into the audience and involved the little girl on the dance floor and gave her his guitar pick. That made her day because she was going around showing it to everyone. Thanks for taking the time and thoughtfulness of doing that, it was very classy!
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that you are still as good as I remember you when you were based out of New Ulm, MN and went by the name Delivery Boys, actually better! You look the same as you did back then Loren except you have shorter hair now LOL! I'm glad you are still performing, keep up the good work! (Saw and talked to you at the wedding in Galena!)
Perfect day, perfect wedding PERFECT ENTERTAINMENT! Your band is one of the best bands we've ever seen and being from Colorado, we've seen a lot of great bands. We really liked how you could play a country song and then do an Aerosmith or Bon Jovi song. Couldn't believe you had a talk box. Some of my friends asked me what that was you were playing on Sweet Emotion and I just told them it is the same thing Peter Frampton used and then you broke down the song and did a part of Frampton in the song. TOO COOL! Nice talking with you on your break too, you are very talented and nice guys too boot!
Thank you for coming all the way to Illinois to perform at Sam and Blake's reception. I couldn't believe you came all the way from Menomonie, WI. Your band was excellent and we really enjoyed your music.
Wow you guys put on a great show in Galena! When you played your first song we thought someone just turned up the CD player and my husband said no look, IT'S THE BAND! Great job D'BOYS
Can't thank you guys enough! You all were awesome! For Blake and I the day couldn't have gone any better! A lot of us play instruments in our family, including Blake and I, so getting good musicians for our wedding was a must for us. You guys rocked! I know you guys are used to playing bigger shows and venues, but we did some research on you guys and knew you were the ones. Can't wait to get the wedding video back!
Hey DBOYS! Expect a call from our Daughter. She and her fiancé came with us to see you at the supper club and they want you for their wedding next year. We all thought your band would be perfect for their reception and would make it a fun time!
Good job last weekend at Jakes North of Menomonie! We all thought you sounded exceptionally good that night! Thanks for the cool Bud Light items too!
Hi DBOYS. Just wanted to thank you for a fun time last night out at Jake's Supper Club. You sounded better than EVER!
Thanks for coming to Jakes tikki bar! We just happened to be there as we were visiting friends that said we should come out and see you. Super happy we did! HOw far do you travel? We would love to have you in Prior Lake, MN sometime, everyone would love you! Thanks for a fun time.
Just wanted to say we had a ball at Jakes Supper club and you put on one heck of a show! We see you everytime you are here and we liked how the bass player sang more, he has a great voice!
I wish you guys would perform at Jake's more! We always come out every time you are there and you always rock the place. Any time we are out there seeing another band, we always compare them to DBOYS and so far we have never seen one that compares. You just simply put on a real show compared to the rest of the bands we've seen there that just stand up there and and kind of play to each other instead of the audience. We really like how you engage everyone in the audience and you ALWAYS have people dancing. It's like when you start playing we just HAVE TO DANCE! Can't wait to see you again and really sad you aren't at Jakes any more this year!
Came out to see you Loren/DBoys at Royal dance. Very impressed! My niece wants you for their upcoming wedding and she is going to shoot you an email when they get their venue and date picked out!
Where have you been hiding DBOYS? We came to support the Royal Fire Dept and got off our bike and heard the music and thought the band hadn't started yet and it was a CD but much to our surprise it was you guys playing! We hadn't planned on it but you kept us there all night. We told the people at Haggy's Bar to make sure to have you back. Please put us on your email list!
Thanks for coming to Royal Loren and DBoys! We loved your music and was awesome seeing you after all the years! We're going to suggest our town to have you guys for our street dance next year and also to a friend for their wedding so expect a call!
What a fun band and perfect night. We saw you in Royal at their fun Days. As you could tell it's hard to get this crowd dancing but you did it! My husband NEVER dances and I kept pestering him to. When you played Sweet Emotion he grabbed me and drug me out to dance... THAT'S A FIRST! We loved that voice hose thing your singer used on that song and on a Bon Jovi song. Too cool! Hope you come back!
OH MY GOSH! I never knew a "Cattlefeeder" (Everly Old School) could rock like this! Good job Loren Hadenfeldt and band!
You ROCKED Royal! We've never seen nor heard of you but you were highly recommended so we took a chance and came out. GLAD WE DID!
Wow can you guys sing! We couldn't believe how you all sang REALLY WELL! Sorry we didn't dance the first few songs but were cleaning up from the tractor pulls. Hope you come back!!
Please call me Monday at the number below. We want to book you at out town festival next year. You would be prefect for it! Our group loved your show at the Free Fair in Gilmanton!
We saw you at Gilmanton Fair 9 years ago and saw you last night again. Why did it take so long for them to bring you back!? DBOYS are awesome and soooo fun to dance to!
Lover your band at the fair last night. Hope you come back next year on Saturday!
Killer band! We saw you perform at the Fair in Gilmanton! We normally don't stay for the band after the tractor pulls but we had to for you!
Best band we've heard in years. Keep up the good work and letting people like us enjoy awesome music! ....saw you in Siren at their street dance.
Please tell me that you are going to be in the area soon! We saw you in good old Siren WIS and don't want to wait until you are here again to see you...
GO DBOYS! Saw you for the first time at Siren, WI for the dance on Main Street. We didn't know it was going on but was driving by and saw they lights and people so thought we'd stop and check it out. We found a place to park a couple blocks away and heard the music while walking there and thought it was a CD and MUCH to our surprise when we came around the building and looked at the stage it was YOUR BAND playing Dierks Benley I Got A Lot Of Leaving Left To Do!! Then on top of it, when we got to to dance, we couldn't believe there was no cover charge..... What a cool event! Please put us on your mailing list because we definitely want to see you again!
We really enjoyed your show at Siren! Keep up the great enthusiasm and awesome music!
You guys never disappoint! My family and friends have seen you for the past years here at Siren and think you get better each year! We had our nieces and nephews at our cabin over the weekend and they had an absolute WONDERFUL time. I think what we love most about your band is how you a very family friendly yet VERY entertaining to every age group! We have recommended you to our good friends who's son is getting married next August so expect a call from them! Sure hope you are at Siren next year!
Ok, here's the deal. A group of us decided to come out and check your band out for a little bit before we went to a party that had a band at it as well. You were so good we ended up staying and not going to the party and to boot, we called our friends who were going to the party to come and check you out quick and they ended up staying and calling their friends too. Kind of felt bad not going to the party we said we were going to but it was too much fun dancing and listening to your band we couldn't leave. Please email me back because we want you to play our town's street dance next year!
Great at show in Siren DBOYS! You have the best sound I've heard from a live band in years (except last year when we heard you in Siren) We especially planned our 4th of July vacation around you playing the street dance in Siren. We had some friend come with us that have never saw you before and they couldn't believe it, They will be calling you for their daughter's wedding! Sure hope you'll be there next year!!!
Saw you in Siren. I'm a guitar player that use to play on the road full time and all I can say is I wished I could play half as good as you guys! Both of your guitar players were amazing and had great vocals to boot! The bass player and drummer were equally as good, what a BAND!!!
Holy Toledo! You are an awesome band! We saw you at Siren's street dance and were blown away! You did the songs better or as good as the original artists FOR REAL!!
Loved your music in Menomonie last Saturday. We would like to have you be a part of our street dance! We will call you because you are the best band we've seen in a long time! We have to show the committee the videos we took but I can't imagine the won't think you kick *** as much as we do!
I can see we're not the only ones who enjoyed your shows at Stout. Just to add our 2 cents, you guys put on an excellent show and we thoroughly enjoyed your music!
Good to see you guys again. Way too long since we got to see you last :( We were so excited when we saw your post about opening for Atkins and it was great to see Andy back playing with you too! It's odd they never promoted you very much if at all but it didn't seem to matter much because you had the place slammin'
Loved your band at Rodney Atkins concert!
DBOYS are the BOMB and totally smoked the Atkins concert!! We love you guys and always see you whenever you are in the area! Please keep playing so we can keep coming to see you!
Where in the **** did you guys come from? You are all fabulous musicians and vocalists. Thanks for the awesome show.
Ok... After seeing you Saturday at the concert in Menomonie, our group all decided we want you for our town's street dance. The only problem it will have to be next year so we will be in contact with you!!
Wanted to tell you that your band has the perfect song list and put on one hell of a show. The lead singer guy is like an energizer bunny.. LOL! Thanks for a fun FUN time before and after the Rodney Atkins concert!
We saw you in Menomonie at the Rodney Atkins concert. WE LOVE YOU! Do you play weddings? If so you are playing ours! We had another band in mind and thought they were the best in the area. We were wrong! Expect a call!
Killer show at Stout boys! Very impressed!
You all have wonderful voices and all play your instruments very well! You need to record a CD. All of us that saw you thought the same thing and that you were every bit as good as the main band was! We came over from Eau Claire and saw that you will be over in Chetek this summer and you can bet we will be there!
Just a quick note.. I thought the first band was great and then you guys took the stage. Could sure tell the difference in showmanship! Ya have a new fan!
We got back into town late and missed the concert but came out anyway and saw your band in the bar. We couldn't believe all the people you had dancing and how good you sounded. When we went home my girl friend commented said I'm glad we didn't miss the concert. She was right, you guys put on a show like it was a concert. Good job DBOYS, you made our night!
You guyz rocked the stage at Stout. Actually thought you were as good if not better than the "big" band.
Just wanted to let you know that we were totally blown away by your band at the Rodney Atkins concert tonight. I said to my husband that I was sad when you quit. He said he was too but told me that you were in the bar after the concert and high fived me. Before we knew it we were in the bar partying with you guys. We actually thought you sounded even better in there and could not believe how you had everyone dancing like crazy (including us!)
WOW is all we got to say! We saw DBoys at Stout Ale House opening for Rodney Atkins. We are from Menomonie and have never had the pleasure of seeing you before tonight. We all thought you could have been the national band that people were buyer tickets for, you guys were that good! We looked at your schedule and are ooking forward to seeing you this summer! We will be definitely be bringing our friends as well!
^ 2016 ^
Saw you at jakes while we were there for our 1975 class reunion! Everyone wanted to talk and catch up but we WANTED TO DANCE and we did! We will be contacting you about playing at our daughter's wedding in 2016!!
......Morning after Jakes/DBOYS bash. My head is a bit foggy and am just thinking about how fun it was LOL! Thanks for the Bud Light goodies too!! I haven't had a BL in years and when you threw out the caps etc, I actually ordered one and loved it once again... (Too much) Your band is absolutely awesome!
Partied hard at Jakes with you last night and loved how you interact with the audience and especially the little girls and kids that were there! Very classy to do that and make the kids feel good too!
Fun times at Jakes with the DBOYS AS ALWAYS! I always enjoy listening and dancing to your music!
Loved the band at Jakes last night! The Tele (guitar) was awesome. Actually the band rocked!
Hey Guys! We had a blast at Jakes and are soooooooooooooooo sad that you aren't back anymore this summer! See you soon!
We saw you at Siren and we totally want you for our wedding reception next year and we will be contacting you when we get the venue set!
Love the band!
Your band is very entertaining and we love your song selection! You all have great voices and we liked how you all sang instead of just one person singing the whole night. And we loved watching that guy that plays all those instruments. Not every day you get to hear all those. You have 6 new fans because our friends loved you guys! (Saw you in Siren when the power went out but the music played on) :)
We have followed the band for a long time and use to come see you all the time when you opened for every national group that came to the Pioneer in Menomonie. We saw you at Trick Pony, Sawyer Brown concerts and all those that they had there! I remember us all screaming for you guys to come back on after a couple of those acts were done because we thought you were just as good and actually probably better than they were, for sure more entertaining! Anywhoo, we just happened to be going through Siren to visit friends and saw a band setting up on the street so after we got to their place, we made plans on coming back and checking it out. We are so glad we did and could not believe it was DBOYS!! You guys are better than ever and hope to see you again soon! Are you going to be in Siren next year?
Just wanted to say thanks for keeping the show going when the power went out in Siren. When the power went out, we actually left and went to a near by town to party with another band for a while but their power was out too so we told all our friends about you guys and that you said you were working on getting power back up. So we came back with all of the gang and just as we got there, your stage lights came on and you started playing again. We danced the rest of the night and our friends thanked us for coming to get them because they thought you rocked too!
WOW!! What an awesome show your band put on! We were lucky enough to see your show in Siren on the 3rd! My relatives have a cabin near by and we were staying with them for the weekend in part because they told us that Siren has this fabulous band that plays their 4th of July festival and that's exactly what we wanted to do. When they told us it was DBOYS and we couldn't believe it. We had first seen you a few years ago in Clear Lake at their Festival and were blown away and have caught several of your shows since. We had a baby and slowed down our going out and dancing fun and kind of lost touch with you guys and and SO GLAD we got to see you again! We all thought that you were even better than we remembered you! Hope you will be back to Siren next year. If so.. SO WILL WE!
Just have to post that we danced nearly every song you performed and our feet are crippled. Well worth it though. Just when we would be ready ro sit down and rest, you would play another song we HAD TO DANCE TO! LOL! Can't wait to see you again, we all loved you. You should play in the cities!
Crazy night partying with you guys! We were totally sad when the power went out and found out it was out in the surrounding towns too so we thought the night was over. BUT.... You started back up in just a little while and ROCKED US the rest of the night. AWESOME BAND!
What a fun time we had at Siren with D'BOYS! You are the best band they've ever had there! We of course go every year and were there last year when you were there and we all thought you were even better this year! Keep up the great work boys!
Your show at Siren was amazing! Could believe the variety and musicianship of the band!
We were just talking on the drive home after the wedding bash last night and were thinking how fun it would to have DBOYS for a party at our acreage sometime! Would you guys come over to Madison!? DBOYS RULE!
I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm hungover. I HATE YOU! LOL! That's the MOST FUN we've ever had at a wedding reception EVER! DBOYS are AMAZING!
My daughter is getting married next year and she really wants to have DBOYS for her wedding dance. When we heard there was a live band at the wedding we were a little dissapointed because of all the wedding we have attended that had them in the past where the bands were to put it gently, not very good. From your first song we knew we we mistakenly disappointed. We were actually outside when you started and thought some one had turned on a CD. We came inside to get a drink and couldn't believe it was your band actually playing the music!! Expect an email when she sets her date!
I'm writing you for my Grandfather. He wanted me to tell you that he was very impressed with all the instruments the lead singer played and how well he played them. Also loved his voice. He really enjoyed the band and said you were all very talented!
WOW is all we can say! We got the pleasure of partying with you at Carl and Cass's wedding. We are from Green Bay and there are a lot of good bands there but you guys top them all! We are trying to come up with an excuse to have you come there! LOVE THE BAND!
Thank you! Everyone absolutely loved having you there. We received so many positive comments and the owner is interested in having you back in the winter just for a band night. Thank you again – you made my daughter’s wedding perfect!!
Saw you at Summer Days in Menomonie. Why was that in May?? Anyway.. We are looking forward to seeing you at Jake's in June!
Saw you in Menomonie. How does that guy play all those instruments!? We love watching and hearing all the different instruments. Everyone has great voices too! Keep up the great work boys!
I can't believe you are from Menomonie and we've never seen you before. We came to go to the Mable Tainter but left early to come and watch you. Your band is amazing!
You guy were amazing at Menomonie Summerdaze for the set you got to play! To bad the weather turned, we were having fun!
Your band made my night! I was at the wedding you played at in Albert Lea and was feeling a bit down as my fiancé was not able to be there with me as he was deployed over seas. I texted him while I was sitting down to rest a bit from dancing and told him how fun you were and wished he was there and I looked up and there you were WHILE YOU WERE PLAYING! That really made my night and was fun dancing to your music. Hope to see you again soon. As the previous poster said.. Please put me on your mailing list!
I wanted to post a comment of recommendation for anyone looking for the perfect band for a wedding or anything else as far as that goes! We all thought DBOYS were the most professional, entertaining, people involving, easy/fun to dance to, energetic, pristine sounding, all around GREAT BAND with a great song list, vocalist, and unbelievable instrumentation (from guitars, keyboards, violin and even banjo!). We actually want to have you at our town festival next year! You guys are the real deal and compared to the bands they have been getting over the last years, it's like comparing a Cadillac to a Pinto ;) We are going to talk with the comittee and hopefully show our town what a real band is like! I know people would just flip out having you there! Also a friend of ours will be contacting you about their daughter's wedding for next year! Keep up the great work and hope to see you soon! Please put us on your mailing list!
Just got back to the room after partying with DBOYS at Holly and Kevin's wedding reception. We had so much fun we're sad it's over! Keep rockin' DBOYS!
Never danced so much in my life! Your band is the easiest band I've every seen to dance to. Every song you do makes a person want to dance! We would just get done dancing to 2 or 3 songs and then start heading back to our table to get a drink and rest a bit and then you'd start another song and there was no way we could sit down! We finally worked out a system that one of us would retrieve the drinks and then set them back down and come back dancing and then switch off ... LOL! What a great time! Thanks for being apart of Kevin and Holly's night! Ours too!
FUN FUN FUN! We all had a blast dancing to your great music at the wedding and thanks so much for making my little girl's night by coming off stage and giving her the guitar pick. You are a classy act!
Hi Guys. Wanted to let you know that you are the best band that has ever performed here a the Wedgewood Cove Golf Club! Also wanted to let you know that you are all great/polite people too. Great job and thanks for keeping us entertained while we were "trying" to keep up with the drink orders for everyone. Crazy night!
I'm sore, my feet hurt and I have a huge blister on my toe. YOU ROCK!
Saw you at the wedding in Albert Lea and wanted to thank you for a great time! We've actually seen you at 2 other weddings and it seems you guys just keep getting better! Go DBOYS!
Thanks so much for making the wedding reception such a fun time for ALL AGES! You really did a wonderful variety of music that hit just about everyone "musical sweet tooth'! Loved the fiddle!
Holy Toledo what a party! You had us dancing literally the whole night long! Something I wanted to point out that I know a lot of other people noticed too was that the lead singer tried to involve the little boys and girls too. Thought that was very professional and just plain nice! You have a great band and obviously everyone love it! Thanks for a great night! It's going to take a while to rest up from this one! :)
Had to let you know how ridiculous the sound restrictions were at the Stone Barn! I've never heard a live band so quiet but sound so good. Way to adapt to a tough situation!
Hello! We were at the wedding you performed at in Rochester at the Stone Barn. We arrived a little late and heard music playing and thought it was a DJ playing music. Much to our surprise we walked in and saw it was a live band - DBOYS! You were playing the Smokey and the Bandit song and it sounded like a CD playing! Please put us on your mailing list!
Have to let you know that your band is the PERFECT wedding band! You do everything from country to rock and in-between! LOVE the violin!
Just wanted to let you guys know you rocked the Brandon Brown wedding at Mayowood! Beautiful place - AWESOME band!
Your band was amazing at the Kari Mikel - Brandon Brown wedding! I felt so bad for you because the lady from the Mayowood Barn kept walking up on your stage and turning down the speakers. We all couldn't figure out why she kept doing this because we could hardly hear you at the bar. Somehow you made it work with what I now know as monitor speakers from talking with you. We can't wait to see you tomorrow in Albert Lea at that wedding because we get to see/hear you on your own system without a lady jumping on your stage every 10 minutes! It made my husband and I pretty upset at how you were treated there but really admire you all at how well you handled it and made it work!
Night 2...
We are at the Kevin Robling wedding in Albert Lea, MN and are watching you as we speak. THIS IS THE BOYS we know and LOVE! You guys are truly awesome musicians and have a wonderful sound (when you get to use it!) You are amazing and can't wait to see you again! Our daughter will "hopefully" be getting married sometime in the future to be prepared for a phone call!
Happy 4th DBOYS! You made ours!
You have our vote! It's My Life RULED! Great singing and that voice synthesizer thing made it sound like the radio. Just had to let you know.
Just wanted to let you know we had a great time with your band in Randall. Something that we noticed and was really impressed with (besides your great music) was the singer came out and gave that little girl a guitar pick while he was playing. That really is neat that you would take the time to do that. That really meant a lot to her and heard her Dad talking how he couldn't believe it too. Great job guys and great way to keep your show family friendly!
Love your band. Fun songs, fun guys, fun show!
We came up to the street dance from Little Falls on a suggestion from a friend that saw you a few years back. She was 100% correct. You guys kick ^$%@#
Their baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Oh what a nice change to last year's group. The chick was hot but couldn't hear her sing. Everything was so loud except for the voices. With your band we could hear everything perfect and wee all really liked the guy in the middle switching instruments. Pretty cool to hear a fiddle one song and a talk box on another. I use to play years ago and know how hard it is and you have my utmost respect as you all are very talented!
Tell whomever finally got you back to Randall thank you! Your band is such a pleasure to listen to and your music just makes you want to dance even it you didn't plan too ;)
Fun time! Glad I remembered the mosquito spray! Kept them off me so I could keep my hands on my beer and dancing to your awesome music!
DBOYS ROCKED RANDALL! Love your band! I remember you when you were here in 2008. I think you are better now! I'm emailing this as you're rocking out to Sweet Emotion playing that cool voice hose thingy. Gives me goose bumps! ROCK on guys!
Wanted to drop a line and tell you how much fun we had at Ellsworth Cheese Fest. I haven't danced that much in years! Couldn't believe my husband actually dance with me to a fast song! I can honestly tell you that never happens! Thanks for a great time!
Forget the rest DBOYS are the best! Best live band Cheese Curd fest has ever had!
On behalf of the "Party Table" as you called it.... We loved your band and can't wait to see you again! Our friend from Baldwin is getting married next year and can't wait to tell her about you guys. You would be the ultimate wedding band because you do it all. hope to see you soon!
Have to tell you that we loved the banjo song from Smokey and the Bandit. Never heard a live band do that and pull it off. Sounded like the record! Good job DbOys!
Great show at Ellsworth Cheese Curd Festival! You guys sounded awesome! Hope you can come back next year!!
Cheese Curd Festival indeed! Best band that's been there in years! DBOYS rock! And Country too ;)
I ditto the last comment. We were only going to stay for a little bit but ended up staying the duration. Something we NEVER do. Thanks for the fun music and hats off to a great band DBOYS!
Coming from an old lady that was only coming there for the ice cream, you have got a wonderful group! My friends and I were only going to have our little ice cream treat and leave but ended up staying for your whole performance. We were really entertained! Thanks for keeping us old hen's clucking!
Your band is amazing and I hope they have you at our Durand Funfest 2014! You would be absolutely perfect for it! We are coming over to see you at Cheese Curd Fest! See you Saturday!
I just had to write you and tell you that you guys are troupers. It was sooooooo hot at Durand Music in The Park and the sun was right on you. It looked like the singer was going to melt. You put on a great show and we all stayed for all of it!
I swear you guys get better every year! You rocked Jake's!
Love your group. Happened to go out to Jakes when back in town visiting and you were performing there. We we blown away at your musicianship and versatility! I wish we could find a band like you from where we are from (Loveland Colorado). Please put us on your mailing list. You never knw when we might "pop in"!
Man you guyz rocked Jakes! Our favorite band of the year there EVERY YEAR!
Better late than never. D-Boys rocked Dean and Sues Halloween Bash AGAIN! Rock on boys!!
We wanted to let you know that we stopped by Dean and Sues when you first started on our first leg of our Halloween bar hopping tour Saturday night and stayed for a few songs. We hit a few other places including Fuzzys where we stayed for as long as we could handle the band and then came back to Dean & Sues for the rest of the night. Have to tell you that you were leaps and bounds better than the band they had there. None of them could sing in tune and were not anywhere near your musicianship. I know quite a few people went to Fuzzys because they gave away trips to Vegas I think but it wasn't worth listening to that band, at least ways to us, and apparently the party you had going. Anywho, just wanted to let you know your band is awesome and we had a blast dancing to your music!
The Beeze
Happy Halloween D'Boys! You looked as great as you sounded Saturday. Middle guy looked funny as *@&# and that Old Rocker dude on guitar was funny too LOL!! He looked like an old Halloween burn out but was unreal on guitar and singing. The band was excellent!
We saw you Saturday night at Dean and Sues in Menomonie. We are from Minneapolis but I attend Stout. To be honest I didn't even know Dean and Sues existed but saw one of your posters up at the Acoustic Cafe' and you looked like a fun band so we thought we'd come and check you out. Your poster is right. You are a fun band and we had a great time! Happy Halloween!
Hello DBOYS! We had to let you know that your band has the best sound I think we've ever heard. Not only are you a very good band but your sound system must be top-notch as well. It is so crystal clear it's like listening to a nice stereo. I have to agree with a previous poster that said you could be mistaken for a CD playing...It's that good! Keep up the great work and please email me about what you have for your sound system
Wanted to drop you a quick note to say we loved your show at Dean n Sues!
Nice job at the Costume party Sat night! You always put on a great show. We love all your voices. It is so nice to hear a band that has multiple singers and each one rox to boot! Loved your costumes too. Good job once again!
DBOYS BAND rocked Dean & Sues Saturday! When we came in we heard a cool Country song playing assumed it was the DJ. We came into the back room and was floored it was a band. We were just going to drop by for a quick drink but stayed the night. your band is awesome!
We want to tell you that you ARE THE BEST band we've every seen, HANDS DOWN! You all are exceptionally talented and should be on the radio! You sound as good if not better than most all the songs you were covering. Hope to hear you again SOON! Ps...We saw you at Tina's wedding in Siren and again at Dean and Sues last Saturday :)
LOVED YOUR MUSIC at Tina and Ryan's reception! It was like we were at a concert, we really thought you were that good. We were amazed at how you all have excellent voices and how the center guy plays all the different instruments. Couldn't believe you guys did Cotton Eyed Joe! Sounded like the record with the fiddle and vocals---->UNREAL! My husband was the one hopping around like a crazed chicken when you did that song and I was the one hopping after him LOL! Its almost like you are 3 or 4 bands in one the way you go from a Country song to a Rock-n-Roll song to an oldies song and the crazy part is you did them all equally as well. Anyhow we just wanted to let you know that you will be at our daughter's wedding whenever she finds the "right guy" ;). Put us on your mailing list.
Wedding reception to end all wedding receptions! I'm sure Tina and Ryan are happy with how everything turned out. We just had to let you know how great of a job you all did. Thanks so much for entertaining us all!
You have our vote for best wedding band we all have ever seen! Between ourselves and our friends, we have seen plenty of wedding bands but have never seen one like DBOYS! It was like being at a private concert and being able to be close to the stage and really being a part of your show. You have great enthusiasm and an awesome song list. Please put us on your mailing list!
Hello Boys! Wanted to let you know that you guys are the best band we've ever seen. You do everything right from getting the younger to the older folks out dancing and then keeping them there. We greatly appreciated the few slow songs you did too so we could all snuggle with our sweeties! We come and see you whenever we can and I can tell you that I bet a lot more people will now too after seeing you for the first time last Saturday! See you at Dean & Sues Halloween Bash!
Just wanted to say....Holy COW what a party... WASN'T IT!! Tina and Ryan's wedding was over the top. Everyone has been so looking forward to DBOYS and we are here to tell you that it was a blast! Can you believe all the people?! It was even more than we thought! We all danced our butts off and really appreciate your great music.
YOU DID US PROUD! We've been bragging about you to our "out of town- out of touch" family and friends and after Saturday night, now they know why! They couldn't believe you guys. Here's something funny I have to tell you too... My cousin just got done asking if I thought you we lip syncing and Loren came out and was singing. She about crapped! You all have great voices and we love you guys! You now have 100's of new fans!
We got to see you at the wedding last weekend and think you would be perfect for our town festival. Your band rocked the "barn" and we love your music. I'll give you band's info to the fire dept as I think they are the ones that put on the Street Dance. Sure hope they get you because you are tons better than any of the other bands that have been there in the past. I think people would flip out having you there! Please put us on your mailing list because we want to see you again soon. We are going to try and make it to your Halloween party at Dean and Sues on the 27th!
Just want to drop you a quick line and let you know how much we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the "Barn Dance" Sat night. We haven't danced that much in years! Even the cat that came in was enjoying it ;) Too funny!
Saw you last weekend at the Shelley Gehrman - Richard Kowski wedding reception and had to let you know that you have a bunch of new fans! We were actually hoping that there was going to be a DJ because the last couple receptions we attended had bands that were NOT very good and it kind of ruined the fun of the dance (to us anyway). We are big music people, meaning we love music, and to hear a band like you reiterates the fact of why we do! We are going to spread the word about DBOYS as you are one of the best live bands we've ever seen. Loved how you play different genres of music and each one sounds like you could be that kind of band. WELL DONE! We have a niece getting married in the future and will definitely let her know about DBOYS!
Just wanted to let you know that your band was very impressive at the wedding barn dance Saturday. We were walking up from the dining tent and heard music and thought it was a CD but when we came into the barn and it was DBOYS playing. What an extraordinary group you guys have! You all are very good singers and perform very well together. Love the diversity of your music and how the center guy plays multiple instruments. VERY ENTERTAINING! Thanks for a fun evening!
WOW!! What a cool show your band put on at the wedding Saturday! We were amazed at the quality of your music!
We enjoyed listening to D'Boys and it looked like everyone was having a great time.
Settlement Hill Farm venue
We just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for such an awesome performance at our wedding! We have gotten so many comments about how great you all were! You guys have already been recommended to others who are looking for a band to play at their wedding. We really hope that we will be able to see future shows!
Kari and Quinn wedding
Fantastic show last weekend at the reception you were at (Wild Ridge Golf Course in Eau Claire). I work there and normally don't pay too much attention to the entertainment for the wedding we have here but have to say you were very good! You had me rockin' the whole night, and it really made my night go by faster. THANKS!
Thought you might find this funny. Upon hearing that you would be performing at the Gunderson reception, we looked up your band's website and read this comments page. I read several posts about peoples feet hurting from dancing so much at your shows. I'm normally not the person that comments on things like this, but my husband and I had to after seeing you and dancing virtually all night to your wonderful, energetic music. OUR FEET HURT! LOL!
Saw you at the wedding reception in Eau Claire last weekend and needed to track you down to tell you that you have the best wedding band I've ever heard. I have uncles that have played in bands for years and they are ALL great guitar players. I wished they could have seen DBOYS. They would've loved hearing you! Really thought that the guitarists you have in your band were amazing and I'm going to have my uncles check you out!
I just wanted to say great job Saturday! I read the prior post and couldn't agree more! We also wanted to add that the bassist should be singing more. Loved his rendition of John Denver's Thanks God I'm a Country Boy! Between his singing and the violin on that song, we though it was like listening to the recording. Your band is amazing and we are going to spread the word to anyone and everyone! Thanks again for all the fun.
Just wanted to drop your band a quick note to say how much we appreciated your great music at the wedding reception Saturday night. You are much more than a wedding band, it was more like a concert! We were torn all night from either dancing or watching you perform. Awesome musicians! We loved how the guy switched instruments (is there any thing he can't play?). We also were blown away by all your voices. Great band!
SUBJECT: Our feet Still Hurt..
Your band was over the top at the wedding Saturday night, We weren't expecting that! We were actually planning on leaving a bit early because we figured the band would be ho-hum as they are at most wedding receptions. OH HOW WE WERE WRONG! As the subject line says, Our feet Still Hurt! We had to eventually take our shoes off because we were dancing non-stop ALL night long. What a show, what a band. Good Job D'BOYS and thank you for such a fun evening!
I'm emailing you as well but just wanted you to know that you are DEFINITELY our choice for the band for our wedding when we set a date for next year! You do such a great variety of music and you always have people dancing. EXACTLY what we want for our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy & Jeff
Just had to drop a quick note and say we loved the addition of the banjo. Cool song you did with it, haven't heard it for years and it brought back fun memories!
What a beautiful night at Jakes Tikki! We weren't planning on going there but were actually driving by going to our cabin and heard you so stopped by. It was well worth the stop, your band it vary talented. I got your card and will check your schedule now to check and see when we can see you again. Thanks for the great entertainment.
Bill & Suzi
Awesome performance at Jakes Supper Club last night! Even though the singer guy was apparently sick, you wouldn't know it except seeing him coughing. Felt bad for him because that has to be tough trying to sing like that. You guys are the best band that comes to Jakes and we always make it out to see you everytime we can! Hope to see you soon!
Great Job at Jakes! So sad it's your last time out there this year!!
Just wanted to let DBOYS know..what a cool song selection you have. Love how you keep everyone interested with all your different styles of music you perform in your show. Keep up the great energy and enthusiasm!
The poster before me hit the nail on the head... B O M B! From your first song it was like a party bomb went off and everyone started having fun. It's crazy how you guys get people dancing and keep them that way. Look forward to seeing you again!
"Fancy Nancy"
You guys are the B O M B! We see you every time we get a chance and got to see you Saturday night a pickle fest. What we like most about your band is that you have people dancing from the get-go. There's never a boring moment where like a lot of other bands we've seen talk amongst themselves instead of involving the crowd and dancers. You always keep us guessing of what's coming next whether it be an Aerosmith song (with that cool voice hose thing) or a Charlie Daniels song on the fiddle. Thanks for the fun time and see you at Jakes next Friday!
Great band and show you all put on Sat nite at Cucumberfest!
We were out at Picklefest both Friday and Saturday nights. The difference in the band Friday to your band was like night and day. We thought the band Friday was pretty good until we saw you guys the next night. Not even in the same league. Watching your band was more like being at a concert but we were up close to the action. Anyhow just wanted to tell you great job and hope to see you around soon. Please come back to Boyceville next year!
Saw your band at Cucumber Festival in Boyceville Saturday. Amazing show! You all are awesome musicians and sound like the record if not better! Me and my Hubby and kids were out there the night through. We were really impressed how you included the kids in the show and on your breaks between your music. It was nice of you taking time to autograph all the things they brought up. Mindy and Kari have the caps and their jackets that you signed, proudly displayed in their bedroom.
Cindy Kraley
You guys RULED Pickle Fest! Loved your band. We wouldn't even have been there but it rain just as we were leaving and came inside the tent and you guys kicked in and we ended up staying the whole night! Hope you are back next year. We'll keep an eye on your schedule.
Dan & Lucy
3 words..... Werewolves of London! And 3 more... Rock On D'BOYS!
Had to drop a line and say that you put on an excellent show Saturday down in Minong. We saw on your Facebook page that you were going to be there and we were coming back home up by Duluth from Eau Claire and had to drive right by Minong on Saturday so what could we do?? Yep, you guessed it! Party With D-Boys! We couldn't stay the whole night but we got to see you until about 11. Glad we lucked out and got to swing by on our way home and enjoy some great music. They really have a nice set up there in Minong with the beer tent and stage. Please put us on your mailing list and let us know if you are going in our area sometime and let us know if you are going to be in Minong next year. We'll stay the whole night next time!
Bill & Cindy
Just wanted to post a comment to say how much we missed you last year and how great it was having you at our town festival again this year!
We've seen you every time you have been at Summer Days and this is the best you've ever sounded. Everything was crystal clear and could hear every separate instrument all the way to the back of the tent. We noticed that you had your board controller on the stage this time which seems like it would be harder to get a good mix of the band that way but whatever you did, it certainly was great. All of you are excellent musicians and really know how to work an audience. I've played music off and on my whole life and it's fun to watch how the pros do it. Keep up the great work gentlemen and see you next year if the music Gods will allow!
Hope you are back next year for Summer Fest. Also hope I get to see you again before that. I spoke with the lead singer and he said he'd put me on your mailing list so here's my email.
We just moved to the area in 2011 and love it. We attended Summer Days last year and thought it was great until last Saturday. Compared to last year's band you were no comparison. We are kind of new to the live band scene because where we moved from in Michigan, we didn't have much of that going on and what little there was, was BAD. Needless to say, you blew us away. Hey.. that rhymes ;) Thanks for the fun time and great music!
D'BOYS D'BOYS D'BOYS D'BOYS D'BOYS. Yes we were the ones yelling that after you played your last song. Loved your band and can't wait to see you again! We were the crazy drinkers that had tray full's of beer by the stage. Rock on D'BOYS!
D-BOYS put on a phenomenal show Saturday. You even got my Dad to dance and he never, I say NEVER dances!
We were nervous that Summer Days wasn't going to happen this year. We have relation from Colorado that were here when you were here a couple years ago and they actually scheduled their vacation to come back for Summer Days and because DBOYS were going to be back and they really wanted to see you again. Much to our delight, it turned out great and everything went as planned and we all had a blast! My cousin is the one that was head banging in front of the stage a couple times. We all had such a fun time and we didn't even drink that much because we were too busy dancing ;) ! Great show Saturday night and hope you are back next year!
Wanted to tell you you how impressed we were with your show. You all have great voices and really sound good together. Really felt bad for the singer in the middle. We noticed he was coughing and hacking through the whole performance. We spoke with him on your last break and he said he had a nice cold and his voice was hoarse. We couldn't believe when he sang on your last song set, you couldn't even tell it he was sick. Just goes to show that you are pros. You all are very talented musicians and can tell that you take what you do very seriously as far as making sure your show it top notch. The thing I think we like most about your band is that you all take turns singing (very well too) and the center guy really connects with us out on the dance floor and makes it feel like we are a part of the show instead of just playing music. Sometimes when we see other bands, they leave us standing uncomfortably out on the dance floor waiting for something to happen and that makes us not want to go back out to dance again. One more thing. How the %^@$#^& does he play all those different instruments? Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Maybe Cucumber festival if I can get the group together for a road trip!?!?!
Great show at Minong! Awesome as usual. Missed your band last year!
We have to tell you that you were sorely missed last year! They had some lame excuse of a "COUNTRY" band last year for some reason and it just was not the same! They were ok and I do love that kind of music but you can only dance so much to country music, if you know what I mean. We love how your band does it all, meaning all types of music from country to rock and things in-between. As you could see, you had EVERYONE dancing from young to old because of that. Not to mention that you do every song so good it makes you want to dance to every one you do! Way to go on the Jerry Reed song. Couldn't believe you added a banjo to the show! You guys are awesome and hope you come back next year!
DBOYS ROCKED MINONG SUMMER FEST!!! I swear you guys just keep getting better! Love the new bass player/singer! He's a perfect fit! Hope you guys will be back next year! We are coming to see you at Cucumber Fest next week to so GET READY!!
I was working when you played the wedding reception at Clearwater. Just wanted to say that you are awesome!
We saw you at the Manthey wedding on North Shore Duluth and you blew us away! We didn't know what to expect when we saw there were 4 of you. From your first song we couldn't believe it was a live band playing and not a CD! I think the high light of the whole night was when the Lead singer in the middle took the time to acknowledge the little boy who wanted to hear a Johnny Cash song. Everyone was in amazement at how he called him up to the stage in the middle of the song and sat him on his lap and put his guitar on him, gave him a guitar pick and helped him play the song then at the end of the song how he had everyone clap for him and then gave him the guitar pick to take with him. !! I have been to a lot of weddings with live bands and have never seen such a thing. That's something he will remember his whole life and I'm sure a lot of other people will too. He was so proud of that guitar pick and was showing everyone but putting back in his pocket to keep it safe. Thanks for an excellent show and making Larry and Shelly's even more special!
I spoke with you briefly at the Shoreview community Ct concert you put on last Thursday. You guys are amazing:) I am wondering if you have any cd's for sale. Wish you were playing in our end of town more. Will have to keep track of your schedule and if we're ever over the border, we'll have to track you guys down. Thanks again for the great entertainment on Thursday. My hubby and I enjoyed every second of it. :)
Thanks for the great show at the park. I love live music but my husband is not a big fan of "people trying to sound like the artist on the radio" because he says if he hears a band and the singer sounds nothing like the artist they are trying to cover, it turns him off like a light and he has to leave because he can't take it and says they have no business being on stage. After much prodding, I got him to come out to see DBOYS and much to my surprise and delight, we stayed your whole performance. I bet I heard him say at least a dozen times "I love this song" and coming from him seeing a cover band, that says a lot. Thanks for letting me enjoy a night listening to great music in the beautiful park with my husband!
Kandi Holfman
Tim and I couldn't hardly believe it when I saw that you guys were playing in Shoreview! You played at our wedding a few years ago and was such a treat to see you again, not to mention it is coincidently our anniversary in a couple weeks. Your band is truly exceptional and can't wait to see you again!
Jan & Tim
I wanted to let you know that for 4 musicians, you sounded like 10! You had a fabulous sound and we could hear everything perfectly! My wife and I loved all the different instruments and the variety of music you played (she's a little bit country and I'm a little bit rock-n-roll) :) hope to see you return!
I wanted to get a hold of you guys and let you know you rocked last night at the concert in the commons event. We we totally impressed with your show and would like to book you for our street dance next year in my hometown in Wisconsin! I am going to talk to the people in charge of that and tell them they HAVE to get you for it. PLUS my cousin is getting married next year too and is going to call you to perform at her wedding. Glad we ended up coming to see you as we just about didn't because it looked like it was going to rain.
We happened to see a "new" band on the schedule for the concert in the park in Shoreview and thought we'd take a chance and come check your band out. You had us hook, line and sinker from the first song to your last and we are so glad we came! Hoe to see you again sometime soon. Keep up the good music!
Saw you tonight at Shoreview Pavilion concert and have to say that was one of the most fun times we've had there. Our little girls were dancing the whole time you guys were playing music which in turn means we were dancing too.. Yeah!! Awesome show...Awesome music! Hope to see you back next year! We checked your schedule and are going to come to the festival you are playing in Boyceville, WI Cucumber Fest!
We just got home from your show at Shoreview's Concert in the park and we had to let you know that you are the most versatile band we have ever seen there! We've never heard of your band before and have to say was hoping for the best when we came out. Well......You blew us away with your show with the total variety of music you performed and how you performed it! We were all amazed at how you all sing VERY WELL and how the guy in the middle switched from playing the electric guitar to the synthesizer, to the violin to the BANJO!! We could hardly believe it when we saw him grab the banjo and you guys played the Smokey and the Bandit Theme! You guys made it sound like we were listening to a recording of it, vocals and all! Two of us couples belong to a car club and there are 2 TA's in it just like the one on the movie. We filmed a bit of you playing that and can't wait to show it to them. You now have 8 new fans and am GLAD we got to see you!!
I just wanted to drop a line and tell you how impressed I was at your show for the Ride For a Reason benefit! You guys are great!!
Hello DBOYS BAND! We can't remember the name of the song but it was one you played the violin on by Charlie Daniels. At any rate...IT WAS AWESOME! That used to be a theme song for one our buddies and it was cool to hear it performed by you guys! Thanks for a great show!
D'Boys in the HOUSE!!! Our girls LOVED you guys and so did we! Thanks for including them in your show and taking the time to talk with them too! You all are great people and an AWESOME band! Keep up the excellent work and see you next year!
You guys TOTALLY Rocked Ride For A Reason!! I've seen you every year and it seems you keep getting better! We felt bad for you when you were setting up because it was so HOT! But not as hot at what show you put on! Can't wait to see you next year!!
Sally & Mike
We were out at Jakes and felt bad for you guys because of the weather and had to leave to shut up our windows back at the house. We will be there next time though!
WHOA! We heard you guys at Jakes Friday and couldn't believe our ears. We were walking up and hear you playing the Smokey and The Bandit Theme song and it sounded like the original song! The vocalist nailed it and having the banjo ringing made it too! See you guys up at Cucumber Fest and when you are back at Jakes in August!!
Awesome show at Jakes even though the rain chased everyone out at first. It amazed us that you guys put on just as good of show no matter what is going on!! You are all true pros!
We were so looking forward to seeing you at Jakes again but it was raining like crazy at home and we all didn't go. We then found out the next day that you guys played anyway. WE WERE SO MAD at ourselves for not calling out to see if you were still playing. We WILL be there for sure Aug 24th!!
Thank you!! I can't tell you how many people asked where you guys are from!! They all thought you were awesome!! I wish you could play at my place every weekend!!! Thanks again and see you soon!!!
Mike Swalve wedding
Great show as always (At Jakes). I think you guys are the best band that comes to Jakes. you have such a great variety of music and you all are wonderful musicians and singers.
The wife and I were on a motorcycle ride and wandered out by Jakes and the Pioneer. We were torn between where to go for our drink and so we stuck our hear-heads into the Pioneer and listened to the band for a minute then jumped across the street and listened to you. We had our drinks ordered in less than a minute! I just want to say you have one hell of a show! We had only planned on staying for one quick drink but ended up staying for 2 long ones. We thought it was nice you played a slow song because we got to dance too!
Frank & Elli
Just wanted to drop a line and say it's good to have you back at Jakes! The summer wouldn't be the same without DBOYS at the Tikki bar!
Lance & Jenna
We were across the street at the Pioneer listening to the band over there and when they went on break, I heard some music from over at Jakes. We went over there to see what was going on while the band was on their break at the Pioneer and couldn't hardly believe when we saw it was a band playing the music we heard -- DBOYS. We thought it was a DJ and was just going to check out and see what was going on and to our amazement it was you guys. You sounded just like the record on that Keith Urban song Somebody Like You. We ended up staying the rest of the night. Your band is unreal good and you now have 6 new fans! I am sending you an email about playing for our company party. The gang would LOVE you!
Jakes was a BLAST! We danced our butts off! D'Boys are SO easy to dance to and all the songs you guys play are awesome! Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you back at Jakes JULY 13! We are bringing a bunch of friends over from Eau Claire to see you guys and show them what a real band sounds like!
Mark & Nancy
We just saw you out at Jakes last night and all I can say is WOW!! You guys are even better than last year! Love the new songs! It's very cool how you have a bunch of different instruments. It really makes the songs sound like the record... not to mention you are all awesome singers!
We have been watching your schedule and have wanted to come to one of your shows. Would be nice to watch and listen sometime without a wedding going on...... We may try to get to the Austin show coming up here in May. You are guys are still the greatest. We go to other weddings and look at each other and say....our band was a lot better than this......hope to see you soon!
Terry Schroeder (Played 2 of our kid's wedding and one more to come ;)
Dee Boys ROCK INDEED!! You gave us back our "dance legs"! Thanks for such a great time at the wedding!
Hello D'Boys Band! I just wanted to let you know that you blew my theory "Hire a DJ because they can play whatever you want to hear at a wedding reception" because from what I heard and saw from your first song to your encore, you are one of the most diverse bands I've ever seen and are PERFECT for a wedding reception with all the different age groups and all (and would be perfect for a street dance which I'm going to refer our town to you!). You have more talent in one of your little fingers than a DJ does in their whole body! I mean REALLY! You brought so much energy and fun to the night that someone just playing a CD could ever do. After being a part of your performance last Saturday night, we came to the conclusion that there is no replacing someone actually singing and playing instruments and having them involve the audience in the songs as they actually are creating/re-creating LIVE! How would a DJ replicate coming out into the audience singing and playing a guitar like you guys did? Walk out with his CD player?? Thank you for such a great show and showing me and my fiancé that when we finally set a date, we WILL have a live band... D'BOYS! Hopefully we will see you again soon and we will keep you posted when we set a date!
Your newly converted D'Boys fans....
I just had to drop you a line because I can't quit thinking about your show last weekend at the Bruggeman wedding reception. You are all the most talented musicians I have seen in years (and we go see a lot of bands regularly)! You can do anything or any kind of music it seems and the crazy part of it is, no matter if you are doing a country song or a rock and roll song, it sounds like the artists that originally did the songs if not better. Why don't you guys have a record contract??!!?? Seriously... we were all wondering why we haven't heard you on the radio. Please let me know if you guys have a CD of your original music on it because my friends and myself would buy it in a second! Keep doing what you're doing and we WILL definitely see you soon!
Katie & the "dance team"
It's Sunday afternoon and our feet still hurt. You literally had us dancing the whole night! I can honestly say that we have never, I SAY HAVE NEVER...done that before. Usually when we have seen a band they might play 2 or 3 good songs in an hour or so but you guys played one after another after another! We would be heading to sit down to rest then you would fire into another song we just couldn't sit down to. I agree with the Security for St Paul - James J Hill library's comments that you sounded like a CD playing it was so good! I am a very skeptical person when it comes to people singing after seeing so many celebrities faking singing commonly known as "lip syncing" and If I hadn't have been that close to you, I could have easily said it was a CD. In fact, one of the rare times we were sitting down, we were actually talking about that and then the guy in the center came out to our table while he was playing guitar and singing and was standing right by us and we could hear him singing into his head-held microphone and it was of course coming out of their stage speakers too. Now what we can't understand is how a band that can perform at a wedding can sing as accurate and true as you do and the "big" bands on TV have to "lip sync" when they perform?? At any rate, we we totally impressed and will recommend you to ANYONE AND EVERYONE! Ps..We saw you at the Bruggeman wedding reception at the James J Hill library. Gorgeous venue too!
Robert & Nancy
"You guys were great and I will recommend you to anyone that needs a great band and will give your cards to my friends too!"
Manager - James J Hill library
"You guys were really good. Throughout the night I was listening to the music at the Bruggeman wedding reception you were at, and would think it was a CD playing and look and it was actually your band. Good Job!"
Security for St Paul - James J Hill library
I've never seen a band at a wedding like you guys! I am from Fargo, ND and was at the wedding you performed at last Saturday night in ST. Paul at the James J Hill library. I love live bands and here is a local band up there that has been my favorite band for years....until I saw you guys! It was more like being at a concert than at a wedding reception! We commented to each other that it felt like we snuck into a concert without buying tickets. We were all amazed at you guys rocking out to a Aerosmith song and then the next thing we know the lead singer guy is playing the heck out of a violin on an ALAMABAMA song! Exclamation marks and the end of my sentences don't accurately describe how good you guys really are!! I wish you guys could come up to Fargo and give the local bands an example of what they "could" be! Keep up the GREAT work and thanks for an awesome night!
Your New Friends from Up North....
You guys were great! You had everyone out on the dance floor all night long. Loved it.
Thanks, Mike Bruggeman (Groom)
Hey, great show tonight @ Diamond Joe. Can you please put me on the mailing list?!
Came to Diamond Jo's Casino for dinner and the show in the showroom but was lucky enough to go to the bar after the show to have a beverage and heard the D'Boys Band! Just wanted to say we NEVER stay and listen to the bands there but my husband, my self and our friends stayed the whole rest of the night after we saw you! Very impressed! Thanks for the fun show!
Sally Gibson
Saw you guys at the casino last night and and jumped on your website when I got home. Reading all the comments from people on this page pretty well sums it all up about your band. Very Professional, Very Talented, Very Fun to watch & dance to, VERY GOOD! Looking forward to seeing you again!
Mel Thompson
WOW! You guys got it going on! I played in a band professionally for over 12 years touring the United States and won several big band showdowns and events etc. Having said that, I just want to say that I'm darn glad you guys weren't in the showdowns and contests because I guarantee we wouldn't have won them! You guys make me want to perform again! You make it look so easy and fun, just like it's supposed to be! ROCK ON BOYS!
Sean Penniton
It's weird.... My wife likes country and I like rock. We BOTH LOVE YOUR BAND! Keep up the excellent work fellas! (saw you at the casino Saturday Night)
Bill & Tammy Heinz
WE'RE HOOKED! We are now officially D-Boyites! You guys are the best band that performs at Diamond Jo's, hands down! Love your song list, energy and everyone's voices. It's very nice to have more than one person singing in a band. It kind of breaks it up a bit. Really liked the drummer's singing on that Bon Jovi song you guys did. I can't remember the name of the song, My Life or something like that, but the guy in front was playing the voice hose thing (VERY COOL I may add) and the drummer nailed it! We can't believe you guys would even play a small casino like this. Glad you did though, LOVE THE BAND! The casino is really not set up to dance but as you probably noticed, we didn't care and danced anyway. There's no way that we could listen to you guys without shaking our tails! :-) When are you guys back???? Hope to see you soon!
Trish, Emily and Katie
We just got back home from Diamond Jo's Casino and had to jump on the internet and drop you guys a line. We were in the live band Karaoke room there and we came out into the casino and heard one of our favorite songs playing on the casino speakers (or so we thought). We rounded the corner heading for the bar and saw it was you guys playing it! We couldn't believe it! It was Keith Urban's "Somebody Like You". And if that wasn't cool enough you guys did "The Break Up Song" and "Play That Funky Music" right after it! You guys rock and are amazing! Can't wait to see you again! Please put us on your mailing list!
Linda & William Tesler
I just had to write a note to the D-Boys. You guys are the most versatile band we have ever seen! It blew our mind when you went from Bon Jovi with that cool voice box thing that the guitar player plays then go into Alabama's Mountain music with the fiddle... I mean COME ON! Who could ask for more than that??!?!?!?!! You all have wonderful voices and play your instruments unbelievably well! Love how the guy in the middle switches around from electric guitar to piano to FIDDLE and how animated he is. VERY ENTERTAINING BAND! Can't wait to see you again....Rock On D-Boys!!
Randy & Bev
I just saw you guys at the Eagles in Austin. I think you guys are the best band we've seen in the area! Where have you been? Sure hope to see you back soon! I see you are going to be at Diamond Jo's Casino in Northwood, IA in March. WE WILL BE THERE! Ps... Sorry we couldn't stay longer, we were worried about the roads.
Tammy, Rick and Ron
I saw your band advertised to be performing at Diamond Jo's Casino a while back so I did some research and found your website and checked out this page of everyone commenting on your show you put on. After reading a lot of these comments there was no way I couldn't come and see for myself. I got on the phone to a few of my friends and told them we were having a ladies out night. We came out Friday night and had a blast listening to your music while we were playing the machines! We actually danced in the isle by our machines a couple times! You guys are truly talented and we can't wait till your back! Your singer said you were performing at a cancer benefit this upcoming summer called Ride For A Reason in Kasson, MN which is not too far from us so WE WILL BE THERE!!
"ladies out night"
Wowser dowser!!! This is the first time we saw your band and we were blown away! It was like being at a concert with the show you put on! Friday night was the first time I got to dance with my husband in years. Thanks you so much for playing a slow song and it just so happened to be "our song" Wonderful Tonight. You made our whole weekend!
Shelly Thompson
Great job at Diamond Jo's, D'Boys sure had the place rockin'! We love how you play such a wide variety of music and how you all take turns singing. Even though I was working, I really enjoyed the music. It really made the night go by so much more quickly. I think it's funny about how you "can't" play Johnny Cash but when you did Saturday night it was awesome! Loved how you jazzed it up and made it fun, unlike every other band that does that song that comes through here. I saw you when you were he in Sept too. I have to say that you are my favorite band that comes here and I can assure you all the people that work here love you guys too! So many people commented how good you were and asked where you were from. Look forward to having you back!
I just wanted to drop a line and say IT'S ABOUT TIME THEY GET A REAL BAND over here at Diamond Jo's Casino! All I can say is WOW! You guys do it all, and do it all very well! Please put me on your mailing list and keep me posted when you will be back in the area. You guys are amazing!
Fred and Nancy Clauson
Awesome performance at Dean & Sues! You guys are so fun to listen to. I kind of play a little guitar and sing and dream of being able to do what you guys do. I know I'll never be that good so I will have to keep living my dream through you guys, you guys are truly inspiring! Keep rockin' in the free world D-Boys!
William Bently
AWESOME PARTY! Love you guys! Haven't missed a D-Boys--Dean n Sues Halloween party since you first played it in 2007! WOW can you believe it has been that long?!?!?!!!!?? I swear you guys just keep getting better. Love how everyone is singing now and love the song selection you have. I was telling a friend from out of town who hadn't seen you guys before that she should come with us for the Halloween party at Dean n Sues. She didn't want to come because she wanted to go to a different party that was having a DJ so that she could dance. I told her that there's no way that she couldn't dance to you guys and the floor is always packed with dancers. She couldn't believe that so I made a deal with her. If she came out with me to check you guys out and if she felt she couldn't dance to your music, that I would go with her to wherever she wanted to go. Made me a bit nervous because I really wanted to be at Dean n Sues for the whole night but my nervousness was in vane. 10 minutes after we got there we heard you start playing a Zac Brown Band song and that's all it took. We were dancing for the rest of the night! Thanks for not letting me down Boys! WE HAD A BLAST!
Nancy Cunningham
Just want to drop a line and let you know how much fun we had at Dean n Sues Halloween Bash! We were the crazy guys up front all night dancin and partying (DBOYS DBOYS DBOYS!) with you and playing air guitar and keyboard! You guys put on one heck of a show and love the variety of music you guys do! Rock on DBOYS!! Look forward to next time!
Halloween Party indeed! We were just going to stop by for a quick one and go bar hopping for the rest of the night but when we came to Dean and Sues that changed. We came in the front and all got a shot and some drinks and heard music coming from the back room. We just assumed it was a DJ and eventually wandered back there. Much to our surprise it was a band. We couldn't believe it because the songs sounded like it was from a CD and couldn't believe that it was actually a live band singing and playing the songs. We are no strangers to going out and seeing bands as that's what we love to do as much as possible and still keep up with our college stuff if you know what I mean. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you guys are the best band we've ever seen in this area (or beyond as far as that goes). It just simply rocks how you all switch around singing etc and how the guy in the front middle switches playing different instruments. We couldn't believe it when he grabbed the violin and played an Alabama song just after rocking out on the voice hose thingy with a Bon Jovi song, not to mention he's like an energizer rabbit! Can't wait to see you guys again!
Mark, Todd, Ken, Stacy, Joel
You guys blew us away at Dean and Sue's Halloween party! Somehow you just keep getting better! We think this is the best show we've ever seen from you guys! Keep up the good work!!
Sally Keys
I'm a regular at Diamond Jo's Casino in Northwood, IA. Oh please oh PLEASE say you will play here on a regular basis!!!
Missy Keys
I saw you at Diamond Jo's last weekend. I was playing some machines when you started and the singer's voice sounded familiar to me. I came out and looked and couldn't believe what I saw. Good old Loren from the old days back at the Calidonia Lounge in Mankato, MN. Just wanted to say you sound as good as you did back then, actually better I think! We will for sure be back in December and hope to get to talk to you then!
Joe Damon
Hello D-Boys Band! I wanted to talk to you before we left Saturday at Diamond Jo's but couldn't because my husband is on call and had to leave. Anyhow, I just wanted to say how very talented your band is. It is amazing how the guy in the center switches from playing guitar to jumping on the piano and then to the violin! It is also amazing how you all have such wonderful voices. A lot of bands usually have one vocalist but with your group we get to hear 4 different singers and it's almost like 4 different bands. Really professional group, keep up your talent and energy! See you in December an hope the hubby isn't on call that weekend!
Lizzy Francis
Had to email you and ask you a question. Is your lead singer guy an energizer bunny? LOL! Couldn't take our eyes off you guys. Great show!!
Diamond Jo's will never be the same! D-BOYS - What a breath of FRESH AIR! We loved how you went from Country to Rock N Roll and through in some slow ones too! Everything you did was spot on and we will for sure see you in Dec!!
Kathy Henderson
WOW! Where have you guys been all our lives?? We just heard you for the first time at Diamond Jo's Casino in Northwood, IA. They get some pretty ho-hum bands in here and it's more like back ground music. We came out like usual on Friday night to play our favorite machines and you guys started playing and I couldn't believe what we heard/saw. You were so full of energy and every song you played sounded like the original or better! Watching your band was more like atching a concert but we got to be real close to you! We were out both nights and were majorly impressed! We were equally impressed with the lead singer guy coming out an talking to us after the performance on Saturday night. We can't wait for you to come back in December!
Fred and Marcy Hanson
I just had to drop you guys a line and tell you how incredible you sounded at Boyceville the other night. Your sound system is unreal and you could hear every little detail of all the KICK *** music you play!
Once again you proved us right. YOU RULE!
Bob Zeziger
I'm mad at you guys again!!! My feet still hurt 2 days later from dancing to your wonderful music at Boycvillle's Cucumber Festival! Keep up the great work guys, you truly are amazing!
Kathy Crost
All I can say is WOW! We were back from California and was lucky enough to catch your performance at Pickle Fest (Cucumber) this year. I heard how good you were last year from everyone back home there and now I see what they were talking about! I don't think I have ever seen a band do such an awesome variety of music and no matter if it was Country Or Rock, you did them equally as well. Usually a good band can do one or the other but DBOYS can do it all! Your new fans from Cali....
Bill and Nancy Trent
CUCUMBER FESTIVAL 2011 was a blast! You totally blew away the crappy band that was there the night before you and everyone I talked to agreed. They played good songs but didn't play them good if you know what I mean. Keep rocking!
Kelly Hopper
You guys were off the charts at Cucumber fest this year!! Love your song list and the new guy! He really adds a lot to your show!
You did it again. The band was great and a great time was had by all. We had MANY comments on how good the band was. The variety of music and everything you did was fantastic. 2 kids 2 weddings.......sure hope the 3rd one decides on the same band! But I hope she waits awhile.....Thanks again for a great time and we will keep in contact!
Terry and Pat Schroeder
Been fans for years of you guys and you always have a fun show. I notice a few faces change now and then but the one thing we all agree that remains the same is, you always are awesome! Keep it up because you are the reason I get to go out a bit more and can finally get my husband off the couch! (Thanks For That!)
Marie Francis (The crazy dancer)
Saw you for the first time at Jakes and was very impressed! Love how everyone sings and you have such a nice variety of music. We will definitely make it out the next time you are back! Too bad the weather rained you out, we were just starting to move our booties... NEXT TIME!
Sue Severson
BUMMED OUT! We came to see you at Jakes and the darn weather didn't cooperate. At least we got to see one set. you guys are really good! We will come back to Jakes Aug 7 for sure! See you then and have a great summer!
Jeff, Nancy, Clancy and Justin
WOW did you guys blow us away at Clear Lake Heritage Fest! The wife and I had the kids out at the carnival and heard some music coming from the tent so we came over and checked you guys out. GLAD WE DID! My sister in law is getting married next year and I'm going to tell her she has to get you guys for her reception. If we would've had a babysitter, we would've stayed all night. The kids loved it too and they got to dance a bit before we had to leave. We talked on the way home that we are going to get a babysitter and come see you guys at Jakes July 1! Can't wait to party with you guys and be able to check out your whole show. See you there!
Jeff, Nancy, Clancy and Justin
Just saw you guys at Jakes and have to say you ROCK! We just happened to be across the street going to hear a band at the Pioneer and we heard one of our favorite songs (Sweet Emotion) coming from over at Jakes so naturally we had to come over and check it out. Couldn't believe you guys had that voice hose thingy that Peter Frampton used! You guys made the song sound like the record! We ended up staying the whole night! It was really neat how you went from that song to a song like Mountain Music with a FIDDLE! Anyhow just wanted to let you know that you have some new fans. The only thing I wish is that we found you sooner! See you over at Clear Lake Heritage Days!!
Connie, Fran, Clark and Tim
I just have to let you know that you guys are the most diverse band we've ever seen! We saw you out at Jakes June 3rd and couldn't believe how good you guys are. We've seen you several times before but you never cease to amaze us! Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you again!
Calsy Namara (And Friends)
Thank you as well for a great evening and as always great music!!! You and the rest of the band are always a pleasure for me to work with. I believe that all attending had a great time! It's great to have you and the band returning, and I'm glad to hear it feels like coming home.
St. Joseph School Auction
Oooooooooooo LA LA!!! Best Halloween Party EVER! We've been at Dean and Sues every time you've been there and I think this time was the best ever. We really liked the new guys in the band and all the new songs you guys are doing! Keep rockin D-Boys!!
Marci & Chad Halloway
Dean and Sues....... WHAT A PARTY!! It was the funnest Halloween party I've ever been too, lots of fun costumes and the best music I've heard in years! You would just get done with what I would tell my boyfriend was my "favorite song " as we were dancing then you would go right into the next one and He'd say the same thing. We danced until we finally had to sit down from exhaustion! I don't think you could've fit a single person more on the dance floor all night. There were people dancing at the bar, by the table and I even saw them dancing outside where they were having their cigarettes. It really is enjoyable hearing a band do such a fun-wide variety of music and how you can go from doing a Bon Jovi song and then play an Alabama song with the fiddle the next song. Very COOOOL! You obviously have a lot of fans and now you have 2 more! We're going to tell all our friends about you guys and can't wait to see you again!
Couldn't wait for Halloween this year because we knew you guys were going to be at Dean & Sues again this year. It's a fun Halloween tradition partying with the D-Boys on Halloween! We all want to tell you... It was worth the wait, you guys rocked the house! We always love how you get everyone involved and dancing the whole night long, TOO FUN!
Bob & Jennie and friends
Everything was just amazing! Thank you so much! I have receive numerous compliments from all age groups about how much they enjoyed your performance.
Good to know about Dean’s, we will try to make it out! Thank you again!
Sonja Gilbertson wedding
You guys are the ultimate wedding band! All bands should take a lesson from you guys! I've been to some weddings and the bands have totally stunk! The people would sit and talk until the band put it's music on during their break and then they'd get up and dance, then sit down when the band started again. What a wonderful change it was at my friends wedding and seeing the whole wedding party out on the floor virtually the whole night! We were dancing so much that we had to change out of our Tuxes and Dresses and into what we called (as I'm sure you'll remember) our "boogie cloths"! LOL! What a fun night and wonderful band! I wish everyone could have such a great band at their wedding reception. When it comes time for Glen and I to tie the knot DBOYS will be a part of our day! Thanks again for the good time, and look forward to seeing you soon!
Glenn & Heidi Cortney
Just wanted to comment on your page here and say how impressed we were at your ability to keep everyone having fun and dancing the whole night! You still are the talk from everyone who was at the reception. We could hardly believe your versatility. You would do a Bon Jovi song and then go into Cotton Eye Joe with a fiddle the very next song! Needless to say, your band will be performing at my wedding next year!
Susan Phillips
Just wanted to drop a quick line to say what a breath of fresh air the DBoys were at Torges Live in Austin! You guys kept the crowd and covered a cool spectrum of music from country to rock and roll! I couldn't believe all the people dancing. Even my good friend Bob was dancing (he NEVER dances)! Keep up the good work guys, great music and fun show!
Bill and Susan Kaness
You guys ROCKED Pickle Fest! We heard you were going to be there and could believe it. They always have this lame ass band Section 8 every year and it really has gotten old. You put on a concert style show that was as fun to watch as it was to dance to! Good Job D-Boys!
Todd Ellman
All we can say is where you guys been for the last how many years?? Boyceville will never be the same! You guys are the best band that has ever played at Cucumber Fest (pickle fest) . We were blown away by your song selection and how you all sand and switched instruments and couldn't believe you could go from Mountain Music with a fiddle and play Bon Jovi the next song! We can't wait to see D-Boys band again. We HOPE you are at Cucumber Fest next year!
Julie Sanford
Hey D-Boys! You made Minong Summer Days ROCK! Even though we were pooped from dancing all night we hated to see the night end. I have to say the the extra songs you played at the end sure made us happy! It was cool seeing everyone go nuts, including us, when you came back on stage for the encores! You guys REALLY know how to involve the people and that's what makes you FUN, not to mention that your music is AWESOME too!! Hope to see you back next year!!
Your Minong Fans!
I just have to tell you guys that you ROCKED at Minong Summer Days! We liked you even better than we did last year (if that's possible) :) There is about 20 of us in our little "party group" and we literally danced the whole night (except when we had to get more beer!) We all love how you guys switch around playing different instruments and how everybody sings! Anywhooooo..... DBOYS ROCK!
Frank Bloomer
Just saw you guys out at Jakes North of Menomonie. AWESOME show! We all had a blast and really like the new band line up! Everyone sings and plays awesome! We always enjoy watching the D-Boys band and especially love it when you play Jakes! Keep up the good work guys!!
Julia & company... : )
Hi Loren,
Just another thank you to you and the guys for a FANTASTIC time at Katie and
Mikes wedding. We have heard so many great comments about the band and how much
people enjoyed listening and dancing. Pat and I will be attending one of your
performances yet this summer. I want to listen, drink and enjoy. We were a
little busy that night. One thing that was helpful when we were choosing is
having a sample of your music, that is what sold us and I am very glad we picked
you. Hope to see you soon, we will stop and say hi if we make it to a show...You
guys are great !!!!
Terry & Pat Schroeder
We saw you guys at Katie Schroeder and Mike Pelofske's Wedding up at Spirit Mountain in Duluth and had to drop you a line to say how impressed we were with your music! We couldn't believe you could go from a Johnny Cash song to Bon Jovi the very next song and how everyone was on the dance floor for all of it (including us!) It also was amazing to watch you all switching around playing different instruments, from guitars to fiddle and even steel guitar! I also liked how you talked with the audience and made them feel part of the show! I can never get me husband to dance but much to my amazement and I think his, we danced so much our feet was sore! LOVED IT!!
We would like you back! You guys were talked about for weeks after the event. I don't know what it was, cause you've been here before, but you really blew everyone away and left a great impression with everyone!
Minong Summer Days
Thank you so much for another great year of music and entertainment. We so enjoy you each and every year. Thank you also for allowing us to use your sound system for the dinner music and also for making provisions for my make-shift CD player. You have all been just great to work with!!!
St. Joseph School Auction
You guys ROCKED at Dean & Sues/Menomonie Halloween! We couldn't believe the crowd and how you had the dance floor packed ALL NIGHT! In fact, there was so many people dancing that we were dancing between table! TOO MUCH FUN! Can't wait to see you guys again!
Fred, Jen and company
D-Boys "set the place on fire" last weekend at the Pioneer! It's always so fun to see how you get the dance floor full (us included of course!) of people getting crazy and having fun! All we can say is that we're SO GLAD you guys are back at the Pioneer and we really missed having you! You really are the best band that comes in there! We have never missed a time when you were there and can't wait for you to come back! Keep up the good work boys!
Your "faithful followers" Sue & Bob, Randy & Melisa (and friends!)
You guys put on a show that was just what everyone needed! Thank you for making our big day full of energy and fun. We cannot wait to come out and see you guys play again either here in Austin, Minnesota or back home in Wisconsin!
Anna Weber - Tony Otto wedding
We had a blast! Everyone told me I looked like an idiot dancing. But I really didn't care; we were having so much fun! So many people commented on how good the band was. A few people were out in the bar when you started and thought there was a DJ playing a CD. Your band is very talented and special. How many bands have someone who can pull out a fiddle and play the hell out of it!? We couldn't have asked for anymore from you guys. We all had a blast. You will see us again. We'll make a road trip again some night and watch you guys at a bar or wherever you will be playing. We are so glad we chose D-Boyz for our special day. You made it so much more fun.
Thanks again,
Paul and Aumori (6.9.09 wedding)
Thank you so much!! We had a ton of fun and you guys totally made the night! We will defiantly see you this summer! Take Care!
Rachel J. Funk (Funk/Johnson Wedding 05.30.09)
We made it -we are back from our honeymoon out west and I can't believe the number of people who are talking about what a good time that they had at our reception -and I know it was because of you guys! Thanks SO much!!! I am sure you could have played all night... or that is what everyone else wanted. Thanks again Loren! I appreciate everything and I am glad you guys had a good time... I am sure you will be seein us -around... sometime! Too bad we couldn't just have a party like that once in a while.
Take Care -hope to see yous soon...
Heidi (and Lewis) Bjork
First off, we want to say that was very cool for your support you gave the rodeo on the radio! That was great hearing you on the radio then got to come see you here at the Rodeo! Anyhow…You guys totally rocked last weekend! The comments from the people we all talked with were that you guys were the most versatile band that’s ever been at the P.R.C.A. Rodeo and how amazing it was that everyone in the band switched instruments and that everyone in the band sang wonderfully! Everyone was very impressed how when the band played a Country song, you played the fiddle and steel guitar and when you played Rock-N-Roll, you had the guitars and keyboards etc and both sounding like the record or better! We also liked your original songs you did! D’Boys are definitely going places and we’re glad we got to have you again this year! We are all going to come out to your Summer Festivals and party with you again! Stay In Touch!
Ps…We’re coming up to Superior to See you perform with Craig Morgan next week! You guys rock, WE CAN’T WAIT!
Rob & The Rodeo Gang
You Guys ROCKED at Jakes! Best band that plays there! It’s so much different watching you guys perform out there then any of the other groups. You guys put on an actual show with awesome vocals and instruments, not a garage band performance or laid back lounge stuff like a lot of the other bands do! It’s fun watching you guys there because it’s outside and up close! Keep up the good work and see you again in June!
Jess & Crew
I just want to thank you so much for playing at the wedding last Saturday. The "kids" have said numerous times, "The band was great! We would hire them again in a second!". You added so much...and I really appreciate your willingness to play on for a while. They were so pleased that it didn't have to end at 11:00, as planned. I am so glad that you were available and able to be there that night.
Again, thank you so much.....!!
Missy Stepanek
Bryan and I want to thank you guys for everything. We definitely made the right choice for our wedding dance entertainment! Everything was perfect and we had such a good time! Everybody kept on commenting on how good you guys sounded and what a blast they were having. You have been great to work with too and we'd highly recommend the D-Boys for any event! We are looking forward to coming out and listening to you again!
Thanks again for everything!
Bryan and Sarah Roff
My wife and I thank each one of you for the absolutely
outstanding show you put on at our kids wedding on May 3rd. Your attention to
detail and pleasant contacts are commendable. You guys are a class act! The only
downside to the day was that the evening ended so quickly and we had to say good
bye to you guys. Absolutely every song you sang was a hit with the crowd. The
older generation didn't leave early as is usual at wedding dances. In fact, many
were there at the end of the night. The little ones even danced up a storm and
everyone had a great time.
Jeff & Kathy Grosvold
Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to begin.
Thank you so much for playing at our wedding! Curt and I left for our
honeymoon on Monday and came back Saturday and there was still talk of how much
fun the wedding was. I have had so many compliments on the suburb band, I
wouldn't have had it any other way! We will certainly be checking out your
website often to see where you're playing, we enjoy listening to you guys so
much. We had a great time and I know it wouldn't have been as great had you not
been part of it. Thanks again for everything, it was certainly a fun day!
Thanks again,
Jen Buss
To all the D-Boys:
Thanks for the Awesome party at the St. Joes School Auction. I have
heard only positive comments from everyone that attended. Some have
said that this was the most fun that they had ever had in Rice Lake.
Once again thanks for all of your hard work. I will definitely keep
you guys in mind for future events.
You guys were great! Thanks for the party! Keep in touch!
Erin Churchill - Wedding
Everyone we've told that you guys are playing have been absolutely thrilled. The response we usually get is "The D Boys, what? Are you serious, for real? That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!" Needless to say, everyone is very excited to have you guys there!
Jen Buss - Wedding
Seen you last night at Minong Summer Days and love you. Never
danced more in my life and I'm 22. I think you guys are awesome! Hope you can
come back next year!
A local bar does a big party every year, I will give them a heads up on
you guys. Hopefully you will be invited to play next year!
Lisa Visger - Minong WI (Minong Summer Days Festival)
We loved you guys!!!! You received lots of good comments and publicity. Thank you again!!! If you need a reference, tell them to call me..
Meghan Pesko - Wedding 2007
I just want to thank you and the rest of the D-Boy's for an amazing night! I've had countless people say that our wedding was the most fun they've had in years and the most fun wedding they had ever been to. These complements are due to you guys. There were people on the dance floor all night that I've never seen dance before! My only regret is that the night seemed to end too soon.
I will continue to keep up on your website and hope to see you guys soon.
Thanks for everything,
Andrew & Jenique Nymo - Wedding
We love the way you guys perform....just keep the crowd going the whole will be a fun crowd!
Eric and Erin (Sept 2007 Wedding)
My fiancé, Bryan, and I are really excited for this weekend
because we're
going to listen to you guys in Turtle Lake Casino. We
really can't wait for our wedding day (May 3,2008) to come, and your band has a
lot to do with it. I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that
we'll be there!
Sarah Grosvold (Future Wedding Party)
I am totally amazed at the overwhelming amount of positive feedback I am getting this morning about how fun the company party was. People are commending me on picking out the band. Some say they had planned on leaving early, but they were having so much fun they stayed! Thanks again. Jess and I will have to hop on over to Austin sometime to see you play again. It would be great if they would hire you to play again in Kasson, too!
Laura - Dunlap & Seeger, P.A. - Christmas Party
Thank you soooo much!!! We received so many great comments about the music, band, etc. Tom and I loved you guys and we’ll certainly refer you and keep you in mind for any future events. I’m in charge of our class reunion next year so maybe we’ll book you for that if it seems appropriate. J And thank you for learning “I could not ask for more”—that was so special to us!! Thanks again!
Kristin Davis
It was good to see you too!! My friend Brandan that was with me wants to come down there again and bring the rest of our friends with! He thought you guys were awesome! And of course so did I!! As always! Plus I want my friend Amanda to hear and watch you guys perform. Could you send me a schedule or at least some dates on when you guys will be playing at the Pioneer? ........Becky
Awesome show this weekend! You wowed us Friday night and we want to hire you for our wedding reception!!!! PLUS, we grabbed a schedule and are gonna try to see some other shows this summer! To me, there is no sense goin' out on the town if you can't see live music!!! .... Jon
I watched you guys play this weekend at
the UFO Days Festival in Elmwood,
you guys rocked!! I was very impressed! ...... Mitch
You were great, you were a hit and you were wonderful! Say Hi to the rest of the crew and thanks again!
Hoyt Lakes Water Carnival
Thought I would drop you a line and say excellent show on July fourth, it was the first time seeing you play and enjoyed your show greatly. I am looking forward to coming to more shows in the future. We are planning on stopping down on July 29 in Elmwood for the UFO days show. See you then...........Jeff Wait
Just wanted to tell you again what a great job you guys did at Cheese Curd Days in Ellsworth Saturday night. We truly enjoyed your talent and your company.
Thanks for stopping over to our campfire and hanging out with us. We had a great time.
We'll see you again soon! Rhonda & Dave & Becky
You Guys Were Great Last Night At The Pioneer. I Had A lot Of Fun Hanging Out With You Guys Hope We Can Do It Again Sometime. Erin
I really think the D-Boys are great! Would like to see them again soon as I will be going to see their show at the Pioneer in Menomonie on April 29th! So, that will be exciting to see them rock the house and they are the best that I have seen yet!!!
Hi my name is Kim. I'm from Clear Lake Wisconsin. I liked your guys band, you rocked on NEW YEARS!!!!!! This is the first time I'v heard you guys play and you guys definitely beat out the other bands. I will pay to come and see you guys again, anytime!
Talk to you soon KIM
Hey! ~ I just wanted to thank you all, and tell you what a great job you guys did at Grand Casino Hinckley. I was waitressing that night, and thanks to you all I had a blast at work! Hopefully you will be back soon!
Our girls and mixed dart teams were up at Morton this weekend shooting darts in a dart tournament. I saw on your website that you were going to be up there and told everyone on the team that you were awesome band and they had to come and watch you play and that we did. They loved the music and said you sounded awesome! We danced and partied from start to end both nights. Was a great time had by all of us. Just hope you will be there next year at that time when we have the 2006 dart tournament. Also, if you could come back to Mankato and do a show here it would be great too. So great job this weekend and it was great seeing you again. I will keep an eye on the website to see if you are anywhere close. Take care and look forward to seeing your band again.
Joni Sandmeyer
What's up? It was great to see you guys again at Jackpot Junction last weekend.
As always, we had a great time singing and dancing along with you! Let us know
of any upcoming shows, especially any in the Twin Cities and casino's. We
brought some of our friends with us and they thought you were great too!
We're looking forward to seeing you again soon! You guys rock!!
Ryan and Angie
Saw you open for Trick Pony. We were all amazed that you were from Menomonie, WI. We thought you guys put on a better show than Trick Pony did, way more energy and entertaining (I'm sure you heard the audience response)! We can't wait to see you guys again!
Mel & "The Gang"
(and gang)!!! Thank you soooo much! You guys were completely incredible this
weekend! People have not stopped talking about what a sweet band you guys are,
so we direct them to the website! We will also stay current, and be looking for
you guys in a bar anywhere in a 200 mile radius of MPLS! Keep your tour dates
updated, and we should see you soon!
Save a horse, ride a D-BOY,
Jon and Sarah Nymo
I was at the wedding last night in Birchwood and you guys are great! We are wondering if you would be available to play for our daughter's wedding? We would be thrilled to have you play!
Justine Vernon
Marty Ingalls here from Spooner.
Awesome job @ the benefit
past Sunday. The ability of you and your fellow band mates floored my
Very intense and seasoned.
Hey Guys! We caught your show at Black Bear Casino this past Saturday. Me and
my girlfriend, Angie, had a great time singing and dancing all night long. I'm
sure you remember us, we were the young couple in the front row. We had tons of
fun rocking out with you guys. We hope to catch another show in the next couple
months since most of your shows are close to the Twin Cities. You guys rock!
I met you last Saturday night at Shooter's. Your group is very good!
Thanks again.....Everybody loved your band....even better than the band after you!!! People are telling me to just have you guys next year. Any way great job . Rich Johnson (yacht club, Fairmont, MN)
We are hoping to see the D-Boys again soon. You are the most entertaining band around!
Ron & Shelley
Hi I was at your performance and it was awesome! Everybody enjoyed it. Can't wait to see you guys again!
Nicole Grife
I saw you at Shooters last night and you put on a very good show! I'm going to be getting married in the next 2 yrs and I was wondering if I could get you guys to play my wedding I hope to hear from you soon.
You guys rocked the Willow last night. As always, your sound and song list were excellent! Great to see you guys again...Take care,
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